Personal Connection

We live in an ever-evolving digital age. Nearly anything can be accomplished through our cell phones and computers. Anyone can have pizza, furniture, or even a live animal delivered to their home without ever having to speak to another human being. As technology advances, companies also seem to be heading into an age of all-digital business operations.

Technology can be a great addition to most companies. Conducting meetings and daily business operations through virtual means has created more informed, productive, and less wasteful teams. The benefits may seem numerous, but digital interactions should not completely replace face-to-face engagements.

A crucial element to conversations

Face-to-face interactions and events are important for a variety of reasons, from interpersonal and social development to effective communication and relationship building. Effective and efficient communication and positive relationships are essential to a well operating business. Encouraging face-to-face interactions between members will strengthen relationships, cooperation, and communication between team members. Business leaders should not discount the importance of face-to-face communication between clients and coworkers.


Grand Connection is no stranger to using technology to facilitate business and communication between team members and clients. Nearly every aspect of our company is run digitally. Our virtual offices, cloud based software, internet, phones and computers have made us an efficient, well-organized, and connected team. Nonetheless, our team actively and regularly seeks opportunities to get together, whether it is to talk business or enjoy a cup of coffee. These interactions encourage positive relationship-building, facilitate the exchange of ideas, and lead to belly-laughs aplenty.

Large events and functions are also great opportunities to nourish company moral and relationships; to make exciting company wide announcements; and to celebrate employees and thank them for their part in the success of the business. Regardless of the size of the interaction, face-to-face exchanges are essential to a healthy, thriving business.


Technology should be embraced for all its benefits and efficiencies, but it cannot replace everything. Even technology-dependent millennials value face-to-face interactions. Face-to-face communication encourages collaboration, provide instant feedback and discussion, nurtures strong and positive relationships, and leads to overall business success. As we embrace the latest and greatest gadget, software, or app it is important to facilitate, encourage, and engage face-to-face interactions with coworkers and clients alike.